Preparing students to address tomorrow’s challenges
Over the past decade we have seen many initiatives designed to help open doors and set pathways for K-12 students to pursue their technology dreams. Focus on STEM and Computer Science has never been greater. However, data and reports continue to confirm we still have work to do. To prepare students for the jobs of the future, we need more teachers who are comfortable, confident and capable of teaching these concepts.
The Kenneth C. Griffin CS Education for All Initiative was created to elevate teachers’ capabilities around computer science education, meeting student demand and preparing the workforce of tomorrow. Teachers across the state, regardless of their subject area, will have access to professional development and supports, enabling them to integrate computer science into their practice. Using best practices, including the Universal Design for Learning, supporting inclusion for all students regardless of abilities, and establishing and expanding networks of professionals across the state, we will develop a model for states across the nation and around the world.
Learn more about CSEveryone
Reach out today for more information on how you can join in to meet student demand and prepare the workforce of tomorrow with CSEveryone.